Get in Touch

Have more questions about Gabba Members? Try our Frequently Asked Questions, or contact us via phone, email or in person. 

Gabba Membership Ticket Office

Location: Gate 5, Vulture Street, Woolloongabba

Ticket Office open: match days from gate opening time

Ticket Purchases: online

Membership Payments: Credit card, Bpay and Cheque.

Contact Us

Phone: 07 3035 6220 (Select 1 for Membership) 


Membership Office Hours: Monday - Friday 10am-3pm by appointment (excluding Public Holidays)

Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re looking for the best seat in the house, exclusive access to premium food and beverages and so much more, please visit our Gabba Membersopens in a new tab website or call 1300 THEGABBA (1300 843 422) and select 1 for Membership.

The facilities in The Gabba’s Members Reserve include three air-conditioned bars for the exclusive use of Members and their guests, various dedicated food and beverage outlets and a Members Dining Room overlooking the hallowed Gabba turf.

Members and their guests can enjoy panoramic stadium views, easy grandstand access and a high quality menus on match days. 

Aside from being in the best location at the ground to watch cricket and AFL all year round, Members can choose their own seat once they enter the Members Reserve. Whether you prefer to be up close to the action in the front row or get a bird’s eye view from the stands, the choice is yours week in, week out!

Upon arrival, you may reserve your seat in the stands by using a personal seat reservation card issued at your point of entry and then head off to one of the bars or lounge areas to relax before the start of the match.

Members have a choice of licensed or unlicensed seating which is clearly signed.

Occasionally, when demand is expected to be high, a special seating plan may be instigated to ensure maximum capacity can be achieved. In these circumstances any such plans will be communicated to Members via email and our website.

For those matches anticipated to draw exceptionally large crowds, such as Premium Events, Members are advised to visit the Members Information page on The Gabba website ( or call 1300 The Gabba or (07) 3035 6220 to confirm if restrictions have been placed on the sale of Members daily guest tickets.

Please note that only Members (other than Junior, Child, Country and secondary Family Membership cardholders), may purchase daily guest tickets. To lend the Members card is considered a breach of the Membership Terms and may result in cancellation of the membership.